Monday, January 07, 2008

Yellowstone Park

Visited Yellowstone National Park for the 703rd time in July 2007. Growing up only 100 miles from the park I remember going there twice a year many times. The spring trip usually was at the end of May, during the Memorial Day break and the fall trip was usually over the Labor Day at the end of August.

It has been almost 20 years since I have through the park. This time I took Lee Ann for her first visit to the park and we took Mom's MG. The perfect car to tour the park in. Take the top down when in was warm enough and just cruise. We stopped at all the hot pots and geysers, pulled over to take pictures of the buffalo and generally did all of the tourist things. A big change from most of my trips.

I was surprised that the park really hasn't changed that much. The one thing that is back are the old park buses. Is it wrong to mention the buses in a national park as opposed to the nature beauty? Just part of my bloodline I guess.

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